(The Obsessive Cleaning Disorder)
Concept development, Art Direction & Product design, Graphic design
For the project about food and antibiotic resistance we started to explore and research on how people will live in the near future and how they will behave, based on the importance of cleanness and need of hygiene. For being clean we should have found the more significant place in our daily life which is really sensitive, so we found the kitchen as the place where the real magic happens. It’s where bacteria are released and accumulate. This hotspot zone will be huge problem for the future, when we’ll be resistance to antibiotics.
Our goal was making kitchen protection more appealing, to emphasize the urge that we have to be really hygienic in the future. Although during our research, we came a cross with a lot of news about being dirty better than clean and need of bacteria in our daily life, but we tried with focusing on being clean and exaggerating it, show the risk of antibiotic resistance could be as high as terrorist attack.
Since our focus was on the kitchen and its products, we tried to publish a magazine for innovative high fashion designers and encourage them to make the kitchen-wear more exciting, inspired by fetish fashion. Protection and sanitation were two keywords which led us making our fashion object; the mask.